
No-Knife Policies Challenge Carton Sealers to Help Improve Workplace Safety |

Applying Folded Edge Technology to carton sealing tape is key to eliminating risky box cutters.

As manufacturers continue to identify new ways to help themselves and their downstream customers improve workplace safety, one approach, the “no-knife” policy, has prompted a uniquely elegant solution for carton sealing. It’s not about the tape itself. Strong Packaging Tape

No-Knife Policies Challenge Carton Sealers to Help Improve Workplace Safety |

Instead, it’s all about how the tape is applied using a tape head from Shurtape Technologies. It’s called Folded Edge Technology and it’s helping employers all along supply chains eliminate the use of box cutters for opening cartons.

For a worker, an accidental slice from a box cutter can lead to stitches, severed nerves or worse, limiting their ability to do their job or even care for themselves. For an employer, a single laceration can cost more than $40,000 when lost labor and worker’s compensation are taken into account. Box cutting tools are also associated with damaged, unsaleable and unusable products in instances where workers accidentally puncture the products inside the box. So, removing these risky tools brings more than just safety benefits.

Clearly, there are many valid reasons to create a “no-knife” policy, but the policy itself begs the question: How are workers supposed to open securely sealed cartons without a box cutter or knife? With Folded Edge Technology, the answer is simple: with one hand. 

With Folded Edge Technology, opening cartons safe and easy. No box cutters. No risk of injury. No damage to contents. Shurtape Technologies LLC

Packaging operations have always been challenged with sealing cartons in ways that protect the products and merchandise inside during downstream shipping and handling. But factoring in a safety measure for the person who opens the carton is a relatively new consideration. Some examples of products designed for this purpose include pull tapes with an added rip cord, strippable tapes and tapes with tear tabs or dead zones. However, these tapes can require additional consumables, are more difficult—and therefore more costly—to manufacture, and their added complexity can introduce more opportunities for sealing failure.

As an alternative, Shurtape offers a specially designed tape head that uses Folded Edge Technology. Part of ShurSEAL Packaging Solutions, this tape head folds the edges of the tape under as it’s being dispensed. The folded edges then provide dry, non-adhesive areas for the end-user to easily grasp and open with one hand – no cutting tools needed. 

Replacing an existing tape head with an edge-folding tape head on a carton sealing line does not require any capital expenditure or use of a specialty tape. Depending on the tape width, the manufacturer can also adjust the amount of tape that is folded within a range of 1 to 3 mm to best suit customer specifications or control the adhesive surface area applied to the carton. 

To fully appreciate how Folded Edge Technology has improved carton sealing and carton opening, consider the many benefits that have been realized by both manufacturers and their customers along the supply chain.

The specially designed tape head folds the edges of the tape under to create a non-sticky edge that both strengthens the tape and allows knifeless carton opening. Shurtape Technologies LLC

A box cutter is a simple tool, but its use can pose serious risks to worker safety. Pulling the knife toward the body while cutting a carton seal or forgetting to retract the blade after using the knife can lead to serious injuries. Removing the need for a knife and replacing it with hands-only carton opening is a simple way to improve worker safety.

By folding the edges, the tape's strength is improved so it can better protect carton contents from damage, contamination and theft. The folded area requires 25% more relative energy to break, which lowers the possibility of the tape rupturing if it gets nicked along the edge. 

The same folded edge that adds strength to the tape also provides a dry, non-sticky edge that is easily grasped. Tape can quickly be removed by hand without fumbling around with cutting tools.

Less risk of product damage

Despite box cutter warnings that are often printed on cartons, a worker can easily damage the contents inside by using a knife too aggressively or by extending the blade too far. Enabling end users to open cartons by hand eliminates this type of product damage and helps protect revenue. 

Opening boxes by hand means no more money spent on box cutters and replacement blades. 

For products that require a higher level of security, tape applied with a folded edge results in a seal that more obviously shows tears if the tape has been tampered with.  

Any time a handheld tool is involved in a task it can increase the time it takes to complete the task. Specifically, using a box cutter requires time for safety training, tool maintenance and the inevitable misplacement. This time is instantly recouped when carton opening can be performed by hand.

No-Knife Policies Challenge Carton Sealers to Help Improve Workplace Safety |

Thermal Barcode Sticker Roll With 2.2 million work-related injuries reported in 2021 , manufacturers are leaving no stone unturned in the hunt for ways to eliminate injury risks and their associated costs. Adding Shurtape Folded Edge Technology is an ideal example of a solution that is easy and inexpensive for manufacturers to implement while offering rewards beyond safety. This solution also demonstrates that workplace safety is a responsibility everyone shares, and even your package sealing supplier plays a part.